How DFM Saved a House in Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta from a huge termite strike?

How DFM Saved a House in Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta from a huge termite strike?

This case study was conducted with Termite issues faced by Mr. Hari Kumar, Saradha mandiram house in Alamthuruthi in Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta District. The client contacted DFM India’s Pathanamthitta Head Office after discovering termites and damaged furniture in his 1500-square feet residence.

1. Termite Issues Faced by The Client in Pathanamthitta

Mr. Harikumar find some initial termite infestation signs like termites in rooms, Kitchen cupboards, termite mud tubes in the foundation and under the stairs, damaged furniture, cracks in wooden members like windows, doors, cracks in walls and ceiling

2. Challenges Our Team Faced During Anti-Termite Treatment In Pathanamthitta

The challenge we always face is educating the client about the importance of early warning signs of termite attack before severe infestation and the necessity of anti-termite treatment in Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta. In this case, –

Mr Harikumar asked us – “Can we just treat only the infested areas?”

We explained to Him – “Sir, these infested are just the tip of the iceberg. if you are not ready to invest a small amount this time, This could widely spread over your property and destroy your doors, windows, kitchen cupboard, ceiling, and wall painting and makes lakhs of property damage”

Later, during the inspection, our expert professional shows them the other termite infested areas that they were unaware of and the future growth of the Termite infestation, which will cost them even more money. Then he understood the seriousness of the situation and agreed to perform a full Anti-Termite treatment along the entire ground floor.

3. DIY Methods Tried by Client For Anti-Termite Treatment in Pathanamthitta

When Mr. Harikumar looked for a termite solution, he tried many methods, such as kerosene, diesel, and soap water, which appear on the internet. At first, some of these methods show results, but eventually, the infestation reappears after some days.

a. Why The Infestation Reappears?

These methods are neither completely safe nor a long-term solution. The proper long-term result requires perfectly planned execution from an expert termite control team like DFM India. Our professional explained to Harikumar why this termite infestation popped up again!

“This is because the termites and their attack visible to us is just a tiny amount of the actual scenario. There will be a termite colony of millions of termites under these house foundations and he just killed 5 or 6 of these millions. Even though you manage to kill 1000 the queen can lay somewhere around 30,000 eggs a day.

4. Best Anti-Termite Treatment in Pathanamthitta

A perfectly planned strategy with the most advanced machine support and the best chemical which is completely designed only for termites is necessary for a permanent solution.

This is where we introduce Mr Harikumar to our completely odourless and environmentally friendly chemical from Bayer, a German multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company and one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies.

The proper proportioning of our product with water. After making small holes in the floor’s surface, the mixture was injected at a specific pressure using advanced imported machines, ensuring complete destruction of the termite colonies while having no effect on other pests or pets.

5. Process of Anti-Termite Treatment in Pathanamthitta

This process necessitates the proper product mix as well as specific pressure for proper implementation. Like Harikumar, most people buy chemicals from stores, mix them in a bucket, and then pour them into the infested area, which is an unprofessional approach to a serious problem.

  • The first step is to thoroughly investigate termite-infested structures. This is required for determining the point and course of termite attack, as well as the application of termite control measures in the structure.
  • The second stage involves drilling a hole in the floor’s surface and injecting anti-termite chemicals at an equal distance.
  • In order to protect the structure from termites, anti-termite chemicals are injected into holes.
  • This method involves drilling a hole up to 50-75mm in diameter on the wall above the skirting at a rate of 60 degrees and injecting chemicals through the advanced jet pipe.
  • Dril-Fill-Seal is a method of avoiding underground termite infestation by drilling holes and injecting chemicals at the junction of walls and floors, then sealing them.

6. Results & Benefits of Anti-Termite Treatment in Pathanamthitta

Mr. Harikumar got a satisfying fast result from DFM India’s Anti Termite treatment and he is absolutely happy with our services which makes it easy for Mr. Harikumar and his family without vacating the house during treatment because of our 100% odorless and eco-friendly treatment style. The treatment done on February 2023 and he will get complete free of cost services from our side till 2028 February

7. Conclusion

To summarise, we can learn from this case study the importance of making “The right decision at the right time” as our client Mr. Harikumar did to protect his home from future termite attacks and massive financial losses.

To ensure the safety of their valuable assets, everyone should consider at least a termite
inspection. Check for termite infestation signs such as

  • Flying termites near houses
  • Mud tube corners and the back side of doors, windows, and under the staircase, among other things

Or contact DFM India for a free inspection by our highly trained professionals. Protect your dream house with the assistance of the best anti-termite treatment provider in Pathanamthitta.

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